When you think of university life, it demands more patience and effort. To study hard you buy a bundle of textbooks every year. If you know the process of manufacturing a notebook, you must know that they are not eco-friendly. A lot of trees are chopped to create books for millions of students. But smart technology has satisfied the need of having a notebook. You can save a huge amount of money by renting an iPad to digitize your work. Also, you can visit One World Rental to rent the latest iPad and function efficiently. Whether it’s your assignment or routine homework, you can do it all.
From the most expensive to pocket-friendly ones, there are a variety of options available. Here are some latest iPads that you can rent to get done with your university tasks:
It is the smallest iPad from the line of Apple iPads available. This 7.9-inch iPad is ideal to conveniently perform your tasks. It’s also best suited for one-handed use other than the laptops available in the market. It doesn’t require you to make more space in your bag and its unparalleled features are perfect for you to use it on a routine basis.
If you are done using the older versions of iPad Air and iPad Air 2, then the new Apple iPad Air with a 10.5-inch screen is best to carry in your university bag. The big size helps you make notes and prepare presentations. You can watch videos and group chat with your classmates to resolve your query.
This 9.7-inch iPad is best for students. It comes with an additional feature which is the Apple Pencil stylus. Also, the A10X processor it holds is updated so you can function more quickly. It has multiple tools that allow you to create a professional presentation.
Here comes the most attractive and classic iPad with smart features and abilities to run your tasks proficiently. Its large size and more features help you carry out your projects promptly. It also comes with an additional keyboard that allows you to work better than your traditional desktop.
If you miss the regular-sized iPad then this 11-inch iPad Pro is here to offer what you’ve been waiting for. With extra smart features and efficiency, it facilitates you with extreme portability. Whether you want to edit files, download heavy software, you can do it all. The iPad Pro is very spacious and allows you the accessibility similar to the desktop.
Apart from being expensive, this iPad has no other points to debate on. It’s smart, portable and what you need to carry out your functions. It has a large screen that offers convenience for you to display anything you want. You can easily attach a smart keyboard to set it up like a desktop or you can use a stylus pencil that enables you to sketch and make notes.
These are some iPads that you can rent if you want an affordable solution to carry out your university assignments, homework, and projects.